
Since 1969, Studio Godoli has provided companies with all the answers they need nationally and internationally in the financial, tax and legal fields.

The firm’s advisors are at the client’s disposal to offer targeted consultancy, capable of managing daily and special operations in real time.

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PKF Godoli RAS was created to incorporate the skills of professionals in accounting and information technology.

The Ministry of Economic Development also authorised it to carry out organisation and auditing for client

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A static trust company active in the management of family assets. Fidingest, a company owned by Studio Godoli, specialises in setting up trusts and other structures to segregate personal assets to facilitate a balanced generational transition in family-owned companies with a narrow shareholder base. It was established and developed as an independent company not belonging to any banking or financial group. It has been on the market for over 26 years and offers maximum competence, transparency and confidentiality.

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